Calling all BIPOC entrepreneurs:

Plan for success beyond the limits—to liberation!


Create the roadmap to reach your 2024 sales goals.

You’re ready for more in 2024—more clients, more time, more freedom!

You want to land your first clients, leave your corporate job, and scale to six and multi-six figures while leading change in your community!

But before you can bring in more cash, make a positive impact, and start living your best life on YOUR terms...

You need a plan to know how to grow your business.

In this free planning workshop, I'll show you how to map your sales month by month to see what it takes to hit your 2024 goals. We’ll go through the math behind your goals so that you can confidently sell your offers—without the stress, fear, and doubt around money.

Let’s plan out your 2024 together:

  • Plan out your monthly sales based on your goals for 2024

  • Understand the number of offers you need to sell to hit your goals

  • Adjust your sales target to fit your business growth

  • Use your data to prepare your next move and take aligned action

  • Stay consistent and confident with the right support

“Talking about money makes me feel nervous.”

I know this is true for many of us in the BIPOC community.

But when we have these conversations, we learn to overcome that anxiety.We can reduce the overwhelm around our sales, pricing, and financial planning by being transparent with each other.

Let’s empower everyone to embrace an abundance mindset, reach our goals together, and build trust in one another.

Plan to reach your sale goals for 2024

with confidence, clarity, and community.


With your 2024 sales roadmap, you will know what to do next and gaining clarity on:

  • Your offers and pricing

    so that you can know how to reach your dream salary or free yourself from working a 9-5!

  • Your launches and marketing

    so you can reach consistent seasons of cash flow without hustling for each and every client!

  • Your time for work and rest

    so you can finally enjoy more free time for yourself, your people, and your passion without compromising your profits!

  • Your budget and operations
    so that you can hire support to help you serve more clients, get more done, and stress less ;)

Get a sense of where you are in your business, understand on what’s possible in 2024, and feel motivated to go after the sales to make it happen!

Envision what is possible—then plan for it!

You can build a successful business AND:

  • Be present in your family

  • Provide for your loved ones

  • Lead change in your community

  • Prioritize your wellness and healing

  • Embrace your cultural traditions

  • Consciously care for your clients

  • Support and hire your network

  • Foster inclusivity in your business

It can happen for you, but it all starts with a plan.

Rosa had no idea where to start and trying to do it alone wasn't working...

"After giving birth to my little one I knew it was now or never if I was going to start my business, but I had no idea where to start and trying to do it on my own want not working. I needed help! I am so grateful I found Carissa. I gravitate to her experience as a woman of color and her framework. Carissa pushed me and challenge me just as much as I needed. She provided guidance, advice and tools to figure out what I wanted to do with my business. Really developing my niche. She then worked with me on marketing my business. All the essentials as a new entrepreneur. I feel more confident in myself, in my offerings and the future of my business because of my work with her. She never sugar coated that it would be work, what she did do was believe in me and encourage me.”


Founder & CEO

Crystal had too many offers and her business was all over the place

“Carissa helped me see all the mini services I was offering and learn how much I have generated from them and how I actually feel about them. I've been doing these for so long and I'm great at them but I was no longer enjoying them. This was causing hinderance and it's no wonder I wasn't excited to talk about it or push it. I had the employee mindset of "if I can do it so people should let me do it" but it's about more than that. I able to condense my product suite and focus on what not only brings me joy but brings me more money and not being ashamed of that. I'm so proud to finally be able to raise my prices too."


Founder & CEO

Too Geek'd Marketing

Gabbi never charged anyone for 2 years for her financial coaching

"I was struggling to do aspects of an online course for 2 years. I was just honestly treating it more like a hobby than seriously running a business. Carissa helped me turn this dream that I've had for 3-4 years into a reality, to have the motivation, accountability, and community to finally launch. I'm really passionate about personal finance, I would do it for free and I did it for free for many years, so I had so much self-doubt that nobody would pay to be my client. Now I finally have 4 paying clients in a month and I'm very excited to see what's going to happen if I dedicate 40 hours a week to my business!


Founder & CEO

That Makes Cents


Hi, I'm Carissa

Hi, I’m Carissa Begonia! Founder of CONSCIOUSXCHANGE, a multi-six-figure coaching business for BIPOC coaches, service providers, and creatives.

As a 2nd gen Filipina American, I found my passion for leading social change early on while climbing the corporate ladder and being the first, only, other in the room. Instead of always being told what was possible, I wanted to design my own future and define my own opportunities. My vision of freedom led me to entrepreneurship where I found life-changing success and the chance to help others do the same.

Through CONSCIOUSXCHANGE, I’ve helped hundreds of BIPOC entrepreneurs start, grow, and scale their own businesses to reach time and financial freedom. By removing barriers to knowledge, strategies, and resources, my goal is to make business success accessible and achievable so that more of us can exist in rooms where we feel safe and supported to share our who we are and achieve our dreams.

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