A transparent pricing workshop for BIPOC coaches and consultants

Real Talk Pricing Workshop

How to confidently charge for your services and make the money you actually want.

Are you facing

any of these

Pricing Problems?

  • You’re afraid to ask for a high-ticket rates on your $4k, $10k, $20k, $100k+ offers

  • You are knowingly undercharging your offers and are starting to feel resentful

  • You have no idea what market rates are and are afraid to ask other coaches and consultants / no one is willing to tell you

  • You are feeling inadequate and constantly comparing yourselves to other “competitors”

  • You are annoyed with yourself (or your clients) when you realize that you didn’t make enough profit AFTER the project is complete or underway

  • You hate the unpredictability from charging hourly rates and want to offer more project-based packages that give more long-term stability

  • You’re nervous you might be low balling your speaking engagement rates but feel like you’d lose the deal if you ask for more

Take the guess work out of how to price your offers

I've worked with coaches, consultants, online service providers, and public speakers on how to build out B2B and B2C packages over the last five years.

5 Ps of Pricing

You'll learn how to confidently price your offers and get paid what you want to get paid.

#1 Peer evaluation

Learn what the market rates and industry standards are for coaching packages, consulting hourly rates, and speaking engagements for corporate and non-profit organizations. PLUS learn how to do your own research for additional validation.

#2 Packaging

Stop chasing business with an hourly rate. Instead, create high-ticket packages that account for your time with planning, strategizing, building, executing, and padding for emotional labor.

#3 Profit

Evaluate your pricing models with how much you NEED to make to cover business expenses and life expenses.

#4 Planning

Is the math mathing? If you know you want to make $100k+ in annual revenue, do you know if the sales math will get you there? I'll show you how to calculate it so you can plan for the lifestyle you want.

#5 Perception

It’s all about perspective. Start positioning yourself as the expert and authority in your field to attract and create the demand for the value you bring with your offers.

This is for you if...

  • You are a Coach, Consultant, Contracting Online Service Providers/ Freelancers , or Career Public Speaker

  • You are over playing small and are ready to hit bigger income milestones

  • You know you deserve to get paid more and are not shy about asking for it

  • You are tired of chasing money and want more consistency with your income

  • You want to confidently know and forecast what your income will be month to month

This workshop IS NOT FOR YOU if...

  • You have a product-based business

  • You consider your business as more of a hobby or something you do on the side and not a serious viable stream of income

  • You are scared to actually ask for the value that you offer

  • You are comfortable with where you are income is at and are not in a position to put in the work to get to your next level

  • You don't want to look at your financials on a daily or weekly basis and understand where your money is coming from/going


How to Plan For Your 100k Year

You'll get a worksheet to work through your numbers together with me


Hi, I'm Carissa

I’m a 2nd generation Filipina American daughter of immigrants and the first in my family and friends to become an entrepreneur.

I created CONSCIOUSXCHANGE because I couldn't find a BIPOC coach or a business community of BIPOC entrepreneurs, especially ones that centered my values as a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, & Belonging professional.

I wanted to be with people who understand what it's like to navigate running a business as a person of color with all the generational barriers as a immigrant or child of immigrants, and without anyone in their social circles to show them the ropes.

So in true Carissa fashion, when you can't find what you are looking for, you build it yourself.

Since starting my business, I've become a sought after public speaker charging 5-figures for my speaking engagements having spoken at organizations such as Calendly and Eventbrite.

Not seeing a lot of entrepreneurs who look like me and a need for more BIPOC coaches and consultants to share their stories and offer support from their lived experiences, I now teach other BIPOC entrepreneurs how to also start, grow, and scale their own businesses to $100k and beyond.

As a former Director of Operations as well as a certified Emotional Intelligence (EQ) coach, my experience spans across both the operations and human sides of business.

With my consulting hat, I help my clients build spreadsheets, systems, tools, and processes to help them run their businesses more smoothly. With my coaching hat, I also help my clients level up their mindset with EQ tools and practices to help them achieve their big audacious business and life goals.

I truly believe entrepreneurship is the path to liberation and my mission is help more BIPOC entrepreneurs design and create their own liberatory futures through building their own businesses.

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