The XCHANGE Community


Build Your Business Pathway to Generational Wealth, Wellness, and Freedom

A business community curated for BIPOC coaches, consultants, and service providers

Where being the first, only, other is our common denominator…and freedom, empowerment, and impact through entrepreneurship is our common goal.

The XCHANGE Community

The XCHANGE empowers you to start, grow, and scale your businesses in the comfort, care, and company of a BIPOC community.

Here, every aspect of YOU can thrive!

Within the XCHANGE community,

you can finally:

  • Be embraced instead of excluded

  • See breakthroughs instead of barriers

  • Find mentors instead of gatekeepers

  • Heal instead of hide or hustle

  • Believe in possibilities instead of limitations

Jonathan Realized He Needed to Ask for Support and to Seek a Community He Can Trust to Grow His Business, Get Unstuck, Get Validations for His Ideas, and Become Confident in Selling His Coaching.

What does The XCHANGE look like?


Knowledge & Access

Freely access the educational tools to help you make thoughtful decisions, create sustainable systems, and practice DEI leadership while gaining insights from peers to help you grow, take action, and stay motivated.


Community Connection

Lean on your community members as resources to hire support, find coaching guidance, discover new clients, build your squad, and grow your network.


Holistic Support

Prioritize care and healing through mindset and wellness practices that empower you to overcome traumas, shift your perspective, and build healthy boundaries for sustainable success.

The XCHANGE Community is a Monthly Membership that gives you:

All the benefits of a coaching program, course, or group container without the contract.

Group & Hot Seat Coaching

Talk through you strategies with a sounding board and get your questions answered as you start, grow, and scale your business.

The XCHANGE coaches will be here live to help you:

  • Gain clarity on your growth challenges

  • Find answers to your questions

  • Optimize your strategies

  • Discover your best options, solutions, and opportunities

Guest Expert Workshops

XCHANGE members get free access to workshops, trainings, and masterclasses.

Our guest experts will guide you through topics like:

  • Growth Strategy

  • Offer Building

  • Sales Conversion

  • Financial Planning

  • Marketing and Content

Empowerment Events

Feel empowered to overcome the hurdles, shift your beliefs, and enjoy the entrepreneurship journey.

Our wellness guides will lead sessions focused on taking care of your mind, body, and spirit:

  • Mindset

  • Self Care

  • Wellness

Community Events

Get together with XCHANGE members to build new relationships.

Connect with the entire community for events such as:

  • Social Happy Hours

  • Networking Events

Public BIPOC Entrepreneurs Directory

Hire and be hired! Connect both with the public as well as fellow members who are interested in hiring you. Also find members that you would like to hire to be your next coach, consultant, VA, or service provider.

Our public BIPOC entrepreneurs directory as well as private membership directory makes it easy for you to find your people!

Private Community Platform

On-demand, On-the-go, Ongoing support for all your questions, challenges, and celebrations.The XCHANGE community is there with you to keep you going!

Connect on the platform for :

  • Accountability

  • Collaborations

  • Promotions

For the first 50 founding members, we’re offering limited-time-only pricing that gives you 3 months access for the price of ONE + a bonus coaching call with Carissa!

Only $99/month for the First 3 Months*

This is a special offer just for workshop registrants! Jump in now to secure your spot and discounted rate before we open it up to the public on Monday!

*All members are subject to a minimum 3-month commitment to join The XCHANGE. $297 total will be billed in full upfront and will be automatically rebilled $297/month after the 3-month trial. You may cancel at least 7 days before your next billing cycle. We do not offer refunds.

For the first 50 founding members, we’re offering limited-time-only pricing that gives you 3 months access for the price of ONE!

Only $99/month for the First 3 Months*

This is an Early Bird offer available through Thanksgiving! Jump in now to secure your spot and discounted rate before prices go up on Friday!

*All members are subject to a minimum 3-month commitment to join The XCHANGE. $297 total will be billed in full upfront and will be automatically rebilled $297/month after the 3-month trial. You may cancel at least 7 days before your next billing cycle. We do not offer refunds.

For the first 50 founding members, we’re offering limited-time-only pricing.

Only $150/month for the First 3 Months*

Black Friday Sales Are Here! Jump in now to secure your spot and discounted rate before the price goes up tomorrow!

*All members are subject to a minimum 3-month commitment to join The XCHANGE. $297 total will be billed in full upfront and will be automatically rebilled $297/month after the 3-month trial. You may cancel at least 7 days before your next billing cycle. We do not offer refunds.

For the first 50 founding members, we’re offering limited-time-only pricing.

Only $200/month for the First 3 Months*

Support your own business on Small Business Saturday! This promotional pricing is only available this Saturday and Sunday so jump in now to secure your spot and discounted rate.

*All members are subject to a minimum 3-month commitment to join The XCHANGE. $297 total will be billed in full upfront and will be automatically rebilled $297/month after the 3-month trial. You may cancel at least 7 days before your next billing cycle. We do not offer refunds.

For the first 50 founding members, we’re offering limited-time-only pricing.

Only $250/month for the First 3 Months*

Support your own online based business this Cyber Monday! Jump in now to secure your spot and discounted rate before the price goes up tomorrow!

*All members are subject to a minimum 3-month commitment to join The XCHANGE. $297 total will be billed in full upfront and will be automatically rebilled $297/month after the 3-month trial. You may cancel at least 7 days before your next billing cycle. We do not offer refunds.

For the first 50 founding members, we’re offering limited-time-only pricing.

Only $297/month for the First 3 Months*

For Giving Tuesday, we’ll also be donating 10% of your payment to Carissa’s non-profit, Green Mango International, to support school children’s education in the Philippines. Thank you in advance for your support.

*All members are subject to a minimum 3-month commitment to join The XCHANGE. $297 total will be billed in full upfront and will be automatically rebilled $297/month after the 3-month trial. You may cancel at least 7 days before your next billing cycle. We do not offer refunds.

Join Now For $99/month*

*All members are subject to a minimum 3-month commitment to join The XCHANGE. $297 total will be billed in full upfront and will be automatically rebilled at $297 per quarter. You may cancel at least 7 days before your next billing cycle. We do not offer refunds.

Buy Now to Secure Your Spot!

Why Community?


BIPOC entrepreneurs are longing for spaces where we can BE. Be BIPOC, Be Bold, Be Brilliant, Be Vulnerable, Be Heard.

The XCHANGE is that space.


Belonging is just the first step. To shift and change the paradigm, we need to lift others AND be lifted up. We need to lean on others to help us and hold us accountable to our goals, our values, and our mission.

The XCHANGE is that support.

Conscious Creation

Leading social change, building wealth, and creating freedom requires knowledge. By sharing knowledge, we can build awareness, skills, and systems to create lasting impact for ourselves, our families, our teams, our clients, and our communities.

The XCHANGE is that source.

The ROI: Ripple of Impact

We help you START, GROW, and SCALE your business—regardless of what stage you are at—this community has something to help you reach your goals.

If you are new and just STARTING your business, the XCHANGE gives you the support you need to:

  • Land your first, next, and recurring clients

  • Remove confusion and overwhelm and get clear on what to do

  • Ask questions and get feedback from experts and peers

  • and showing the roadmap via workshops/etc. experts (getting stuck/giving)

  • Overcome limiting beliefs and build a success mindset

  • Work through emotional and systemically rooted blocks

Or if you’re GROWING your business to your first six figures, you’ll have the resources needed to:

  • Build your audience and attract new clients

  • Hire your first team member

  • Recognize and work through burnout

  • Prioritize habits/practices to sustain your business

  • Find mentor and coaches to help you take action

  • Figure out where to find your next steps from experts

  • See what is working for other entrepreneurs

And if you’ve already hit six figures, SCALING to multiple six figures, you’ll have access to solutions that help you:

  • Reach new audiences and share your expertise with potential clients

  • Reduce the overwhelm and find comfort in knowing where to find the answers.

  • Gain insight to scale with peer support

  • Create new goals and your next-level vision

  • Implement sustainable and simple systems

  • Build your team of vetted, affordable, and aligned service providers

As BIPOC, community is OUR normal.

Community is an inherent part of our past and who we are.

Community is often missed in our present and what we do.

Community is essential for our future and what we want to achieve.


Hi, I'm Carissa

Hi, I’m Carissa Begonia! Founder of CONSCIOUSXCHANGE, a multi-six-figure coaching business for BIPOC coaches, service providers, and creatives.

As a 2nd gen Filipina American, I found my passion for leading social change early on while climbing the corporate ladder and being the first, only, other in the room. Instead of always being told what was possible, I wanted to design my own future and define my own opportunities. My vision of freedom led me to entrepreneurship where I found life-changing success and the chance to help others do the same.

Through CONSCIOUSXCHANGE, I’ve helped hundreds of BIPOC entrepreneurs start, grow, and scale their own businesses to reach time and financial freedom. By removing barriers to knowledge, strategies, and resources, my goal is to make business success accessible and achievable so that more of us can exist in rooms where we feel safe and supported to share our who we are and achieve our dreams.



Our 4 pillar approach helps keep us both activated in our purpose towards racial equity and grounded in intentional life design for individual and collective wellbeing.


To support the social, political, and economic advancement of racialized communities by helping BIPOC entrepreneurs launch and scale their own businesses and BIPOC professionals claim their seat at the table and lead from within.

Click here to learn more




All businesses need a solid foundation. You can leverage all three elements by really understanding them and how they work together.


Hi, I'm Kat

I’m here to serve & empower you on this wild journey of being a conscious human BEING! I serve professional & spiritual womxn of color to FEEL peace, heart pleasure & soul power in their WHOLE BODY through guided movement, dance & meditation.

You could say I’m an embodiment & divine feminine coach, spiritual sensuality advisor, & a Pek Pek (pussy in Filipino) Power Coach. I believe you are your own limitless well of wisdom & medicine and I simply shine extra light on your awakening journey!

In the coming year, I’m on a mission to serve 111,111 women of color across the globe through Pek Pek Power coaching, Pek Pek wellbeing circles and empowerment experiences. My own ancestral healing journey awakened me to my personal peace, pleasure & power as a survivor & thriver of complex PTSD, child sexual abuse, toxic work environments & abusive relationship trauma. I continue to study & explore the endless healing modalities to embody my sacred service to humanity.

In my previous life, I played in inclusive innovation and impact tech ecosystem building across San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles serving over 4000 impact driven entrepreneurs in the last decade across 3 continents as an Incubator Director, Business Advisor & Coach, Accelerator Trainer, Managing Partner, and Entrepreneurial Educator and Engaging Speaker & Moderator.

Ashmi No Longer Feel Alone, Gained Massive Confidence to Build the Business She Wants, and Built a Solid Base for Her Business to Grow.


What does BIPOC mean?

BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous, People of Color. BIPOC includes immigrants, first-generation, second-generation, and so on! If you’ve ever been the first, only, or other in the room, we’re talking to you.

What if I just started my business? I’m worried that I’m too new to join!

XCHANGE is for BIPOC business owners at every stage of business. You’re not too new and you’re not too experienced to be welcomed here, learn something new, and make connections that will change your life. 

Is this only for newer business owners? I value community, but I’m far from a newbie.

Nope! XCHANGE was created for BIPOC business owners at every stage of business. Here, new entrepreneurs can learn and experience business owners can find peers, lead thoughtful conversations, gain clients, and build teams.

What do I need to do once I join?

You’ll receive a confirmation email welcoming you to the XCHANGE community for BIPOC entrepreneurs. Once you’re in, take a look around, get to know the other folx in the community, and share your knowledge with others. Most importantly, embrace this opportunity to learn, grow, and connect within a safe ecosystem of heart-led individuals.

Do I have to stay a member for a certain amount of time?

No. XCHANGE understands that as a BIPOC entrepreneur, your business is unique because your life is unique. We honor what makes you YOU and support the moves you choose to make during your entrepreneurial journey. Keep in mind that if you decide XCHANGE is not for you before your initial 3-month period is over, you may leave the membership but will not be entitled to a refund. We also won’t provide a refund for payments that have already been processed.

Community is the Pathway to Freedom.

Let's Build Our Liberatory Futures Together.

© 2020-2024 CONSCIOUSXCHANGE, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Service.